Wash Out

Spring 2020

A flooded yard after every heavy rain was killing the grass for this client. Water rushing off the driveway and flowing with a direct shot to the front yard was leaving muddy, messy puddles. Not acceptable!

A beautiful Florida-friendly landscape yard with native plants.

A dry creek bed created to catch and slow the flow of water off the drive not only added an aesthetic feature to the front landscape but also solved the flooding issue.

A beautiful Florida-friendly landscape yard with native plants.
A beautiful Florida-friendly landscape yard with native plants.

Another issue on-site was an imposing wall of shrubs on the west property line along the edge of the driveway. Wishing for a more neighborly atmosphere, while still providing a noticeable edge for backing out a car from the garage, the existing looming shrubs were removed and replaced with a softer, more lower-growing yet substantial edge creator, Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass (Tripsacum floridanum).

A beautiful Florida-friendly landscape yard with native plants.

To add color, texture and additional awareness of the driveway edge, Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass is interspersed with an everygreen beauty known as Ti (Cordyline fruiticosa).

Before: an image of the client site before work began.

Installation Contractors: Cottage Gardens, Inc. & Green Harmony, Inc.